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Earlier I told you that we were enclosing our side screened porch because there were so few weeks of the year that we could actually use it.  Either the pollen was too bad or it was in the 90’s or too cold.  I finally gave up and decided that if we took out the screen on one side, added windows and put tile on the floor, it would be better all of the way around.  Here is a look at what the porch looked like before:


We had comfortable wicker furniture, a sisal rug, and odds and ends that really did not fit anywhere else in the house. We even had a “herd” of two elephants.



The wall between the kitchen and the screened porch looked like this.  The big question was whether to leave the wall this way, take it out entirely, or add French doors.   Here is what we decided:


The French doors won.  This way, I can leave the two on the right open, open just one, or keep them closed.  The door to the far left is stationary.   And now, it is time for the grand reveal.  If we were on HGTV, the host would ask me to open my eyes and then I would exclaim and possibly shed a tear or two.  Are you ready to see my new sun room?


I put neutral travertine like tile on the floor, painted the walls a soft cream, and kept the plantation shutters from before.   I asked the contractor to have windows made to fit the shutters because the former owner of this house had installed them and they were two nice to be discarded.  I had to decide whether to keep the lap siding or have wall board installed.  I opted for the siding because it keeps it more of a porch than an inside room.  That was the look that I was after.


There are many things still on the porch like the oak icebox, the pine tables and the Chinese window which hangs on the wall.  Originally I was going to keep the wicker that had been there before but when we moved it to the front porch for construction, it was so comfortable there that it will probably never leave.  Believe it or not, I furnished this entire porch with things I already had.  I borrowed from Peter to decorate Paul, and had to rearrange other rooms, but that was fun.  Maybe I will show you the rearranged family room soon.


The large basket under the table holds toys for our grandchildren.


The shell picture over the mirror is called a “sailor’s valentine.”  Back when men sailed on wooden ships they would either make them for sweethearts while at sea or buy one when they docked in the Bahamas.  Mine was a gift from my sweetheart years ago.




The shells are in the crock which has become a table and is at the end of the sofa.  Many are from Guantanamo Bay where we were stationed for two and a half years.



See the table in front of the sofa.  Mike and I made it years ago after I found the two semi circles at a yard sale.  We built the tray to fit the metal base.


We opted to not put a television on the porch even though it is cable ready.  How nice it is to sit in a room and read or sleep or talk without having the big black television staring back at you!  I think that we will keep it this way.

I love the neutral room with the touches of blue and coral.  I will go here to think deep thoughts or maybe have some great naps.  I read recently that naps are very good for you.  Don’t feel guilty!

Create and be happy!