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It is the time of year when we all need a little inspiration.  After a very long winter Spring is here and we welcome it!  With Easter just around the corner, it is time to think of table centerpieces and wreaths for the door.  Maybe you can get some quick inspiration here.  I have tried to choose arrangements and wreaths that take just a little time.

There are few flowers that say, “spring,” more than the forsythia.  My Southern neighbor down the street called them, “yellow bells,” the other day.  It is so easy to find silk forsythia in many of the stores.

Likewise, silk tulips make for a stunning dislpay.  Buy a bare wreath and tuck bunches of silk tulips into the twigs.

Hang an umbrella on the door and tuck into the folds silk flowers and ferns and anything else your heart desires.  Add a cute ribbon mid way down the umbrella.

This one would take more time, but it is so cute it is worth it!  Cover a wreath with Spanish moss.  Get a glue gun and some faux eggs and glue away.  Add a ribbon of your choice and a small nest.  For those of us who are turquoise lovers, this is wonderful.

I never thought of doing a wreath with violets, but it is every so pretty.  I used to pick violets from behind my parents’ house every spring and proudly take a handful to my mother.

Put some sheet music on the copy machine and then assemble some Spanish moss, buttons, glue gun and glue stick a turquoise egg and a silk flower.  You could make this as large or small as you wish.  If it were small, you could put it on a package instead of a ribbon bow.

SPRING is here!  Get it?

door wreaths and table arrangements | wreaths door decorations centerpieces candle rings cart 0 items ...

Love the forsythia, yellow eggs and ribbon bow.

It is easy to find an artifiical green wreath but you personalize it by adding a bunny of your choosing.

These egg cups with fresh flowers are just too sweet.

Galvanized pails and moss with eggs and/or birds are very pretty.

These would be easy to make and put one on each plate.  Love the butterfly!

Of course, nothing is any prettier than fresh flowers.

I’ll bet you could make some darling wreaths from pine straw.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI put a wooden bunny in a fake wreath on my front porch last year.



Then, I moved it inside and added silk flowers for Easter dinner.

Forsythia centerpiece - France Wedding at Le Moulin Brégeon from Poppies & Me

If you are lucky enough to have forsythia in bloom at Easter, be sure to use it on the table or elsewhere in the house.


One Year: A Peter Rabbit Party

Add carrots to a clear glass vase and then arrange the flowers.

Sheri Martin Interiors

Martha Stewart Easter table



Don’t forget that you can decorate the backs of the chairs!

Happy Spring!  Create and be happy!