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This is the time of the year when we all seem to go into overdrive trying to think of ideas for the holiday home while still having enough time to do our jobs, take care of the family, and find some time to rest.  I would like to help.  Choose one or two of these easy ideas, accept the compliments, and still have enough time to read a good book.

easy ideas for Christmas PARTIES and entertaining- - - christmas decoration ideas, christmas ideas. ornament garland, christmas parties, hannukah, new years, christmas table:


Christmas Cheddar Star:



22 Country Christmas Decorating Ideas:


This fits my Christmas decorating theme perfectly. advent non-wreath Yellow Bliss Road: Christmas Home Tour 2012:


I have used epsom salts to simulate snow in glass containers.  Very simple but lovely.

Frosted pine cones:

Make your own snow tipped pinecones with Elmer’s Glue and epsom salts.

Christmas decor:


Love the banner made from burlap and twine.

Spray paint pine cones to have that mercury glass look to them.:


You could make your own metallic pine cones by spray painting them with silver or gold metallic paint.

Christmas - bleach those little dollar store trees for a vintage look. Soak mini Christmas trees in a bath of approximately 1/4 cup of bleach to a gallon of hot water. It took approximately 15 minutes to bleach these trees.:


Use bleach to lighten the little Dollar Store Christmas trees for a vintage look. Soak mini Christmas trees in a bath of approximately 1/4 cup of bleach to a gallon of hot water. It took approximately 15 minutes to bleach these trees.

You can bleach your own Bottle-brush trees After they're bleached and dried, take a foam paint brush and dab on globs of Mod Podge, then roll in glitter, use hot glue to add jewels, beads and balls and tuck them into a china tea cup, or silver cream and sugar servers.:


After they are bleached, dab on Modge Podge and roll them in glitter then add jewels with a glue gun and rest them in a tea cup or creamer or sugar bowl.


…or just leave them natural.

give pinecones a beautiful bleached look, christmas decorations, crafts, seasonal holiday decor

Give pinecones a beautiful bleached look:



Save bottles from the pantry and add candles and greenery. Be careful and make sure that the candles are solidly in the bottles.


Take an empty wine bottle, add a sleeve of sheet music, glitter the edges of the sheet music.  Add some twine and tie on a glittery ornament.  For step by step directions, go here.

I am definitely going to try to make some of the beautiful bottles.  There is just something about sheet music and a vintage look that makes me happy.

So, have some fun!  Create and be happy!